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Daily Prayer Requests

God would help me to continue to be disciplined in all things. Stronger faith for friends going through stuff and H would go to NA or get some other help; the drugs are killing him. God would watch over a friend; he is a NYC detective. I need massive dental work. God would watch over S -her best friend died. Pray for my close friends to read the Bible da...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Please pray that I can sleep. I am 24 weeks pregnant and haven't been able to since I became pregnant. I sleep 1-2 hrs a night and work a long shift at the hospital. It's affecting my job. Pray for sleep, rest and favor in my job. Pray for my sister who has a bad rash all over her body. Today it spread to her mouth and throat. She's been to the doctor but is ...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Pray for our daughter's father in law who was diagnosed with MDS, which is terminal, especially if he chooses not to get treatment. He is not a believer. Praying for God to light in his heart, and for God's healing. Pray for my friends daughter. She just had 2 surgeries on her feet and after being cleared to play volleyball again, she fractured BOTH feet. It turns...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Please pray for a man, who feels all alone and in mental pain and anguish. He is in need of answers to his suffering, both medically and spiritually. He is a new Christian who seeks spiritual guidance, a better understanding of God, and involvement in an affirming and understanding Christian community of believers. Please pray for me. They have found a small tumor...

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Daily Prayer Requests

A few weeks ago I shared a praise report of a promotion in the same department I was in but at a higher level job, today we had work meetings that announced they were laying off my peers and those in the higher positions get to stay. I have been so blessed. God showed me when Covid first started, that he was parting the sea for me at work, He kept me safe. I feel bless...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Praying for clarity if I should stay at my job or leave or maybe reduce my hours. Pray for Send Hope, a ministry we support in India. Their country is experiencing really high covid infection rates, but so far, there are only about five children in our homes who have had it, and no deaths. Please continue to pray for the children, staff, and leaders to stay safe a...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Pray for a young man's salvation. There is a big battle going on within him. Brian and Cynthia Fouts, our missionaries in Bistrita, Romania, asks for prayer for their upcoming baptisms at the end of the month. They are excited to provide an opportunity for many to make a public statement of faith in Christ. Please pray that the Lord would stir hearts to respond in...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Pray for comfort for a woman who lost her father last week. Saul and Angelica Alvarez, our missionaries in Tepic, Mexico, ask that we pray for their kids in online schooling. It's been difficult for their son, and a real transition for Angelica. Please pray for a teen who has been making bad choices and is suffering the consequences. A friend of mine is ...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Pray for a woman who has been drifting from the Lord, and really struggles with finding her sufficiency and value in Christ alone. Antonio and Carmen Hernandez, our missionaries in Oaxaca, Mexico, ask for prayer for their church family, as there are more coronavirus cases than there were last week. Pray specifically for a woman named Esther whose family all tested...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Thank you for praying for our daughter. Her MRI results came back normal! Thank You Jesus! Please pray the medical tests I'm taking will lead tohealing. Please pray for total healing of my body from my preeclampsia symptoms, I am 7 weeks postpartum and would really like to be off of my blood pressure medications that were prescribed after I was hospitalized f...

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