Local Outreach

Sharing the love of Christ means helping people, at various ages and stages of life, with lots of different challenges. Here are some of the practical ways Calvary Boise serves the community within our church and beyond our walls.

ADDICTION RECOVERY (Words of Freedom) helps those struggling with controlling addictions work toward long-term success by the use of Bible studies and the development of practical skills.

ELDERLY OUTREACH (Twilight Hope) trains and sends people to share the love and comfort of Jesus with the elderly, housebound, and ill at senior residences, care facilities, and private homes.

FOOD PANTRY serves those in need of food. They can stop by the church Mon-Thurs 10 am-3:30 pm & Fri 10am-11:30am to get food and to be ministered to spiritually.

INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP encourage refugees from more than a half-dozen, war-torn countries to know the love of Jesus through Bible study, worship, fellowship, and food.
