
Post Category: Prayer Requests

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Daily Prayer Requests

Please pray for my friend's sister. She has been in critical condition for a week and a half. They have had her on dialysis after sudden chest pains, and now believe her colon is dying and do not believe she will survive surgery. Pray for the family, who is praying for God' intervention. I think my husband is going to leave. I don't know if he's ok or not. Please ...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Please pray for healing for my husband Dan. Please pray for one of my sons, he has flown to China to meet up with a gal he met a few months back when he and my eldest son had taken a trip to China for fun. He is now flying from Beijing to Ukraine with her. Please pray for clarity for whether it is God's will for this woman to be in his life. He is supposed to be t...

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Daily Prayer Requests

Please pray for freedom from the pain that I'm dealing with in my back and ovaries. Please pray for God to give me wisdom and strength for my immediate future and walk. I praying for an obedient ear and heart, and peace over my anxieties and lies. Please pray for my grandson Raymond to come back to fellowship and a closer walk with Jesus. Also, pray for Jimmy...

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"Do not hide Your face from me: Do not turn your servant away in anger; You have been my help; Do not leave me nor forsake me, O God of my salvation." Psalm 27:9. At times, God's face seems hidden from us. We feel like He is absent or maybe disinterested. There is no truth in thosefeelings. God doesn't put up barriers between us. However, things in our own lives, such a...

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But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried, saying, 'Lord save me!" Matthew 14:30.You have to love Peter, the disciple who dared to walk on water. He's so much like all of us. When things get really scary, we desperately plead for God's help. Our Father is quick to intervene - - even if it means letting us experience some of...

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April 17, 2017

Rejoice! He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where the Lord was lying. Today, as we reflect on the Resurrection we rejoice in the promise of eternal life with God in a place where all our tears will be wiped away. We also can relax. Our God is alive and working in each of our lives right now. He is alive and providing us with peace, joy, ...

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