
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for Matelyn. She is 13 and attempted suicide. Pray for God to intervene.

  • Pray for my grandchild who tweaked nerve in neck and has been in much pain. Normal remedies are not working. Will need to go to ER if it does not improve.

  • Pray for traveling mercies.

  • Pray that the Lord would use me to reach out to churches to help keep them in the good fight for the Lord, and to reach out to the world.

  • Kelly will be traveling to CA to see her nephew. Pray for safe travel, and sweet time together.

  • Pray for Estee who has a torn ACL.

  • Please pray for Dave. Dave informed me Saturday evening that he lost vision in one eye. The doctor had just as much trouble seeing inside the eye as Dave has looking out. The doctor believes it's a broken vessel. This can take some time to heal. Let's all please pray for Dave tonight that his eye will heal quickly and that he'll regain full vision.

  • Continue to pray for Carlos who is battling cancer. He and his wife Philo are trusting God and hoping for a miracle.
