
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Pray for those persecuting our President and for God’s goodness to lead them to repentance. 

  • Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

  • Please pray for my non-believing friend Tonya and her fiancé Michael - they just found out he has colon cancer. They go from one tragedy to another and I pray they find the Lord. Please pray for their salvation. Tonya is really into the Viking folklore and Norse gods.

  • Please pray for me as I begin my walk alone in my new journey of my life anew.

  • Pray that God would make things better in my life to make sense where my path is. I need to let go and let God guide me.

  • Please pray for my continued sobriety/recovery, and for my family to come together again. Pray also for health for all of us.

  • Pray for a safe home or apartment for me.

  • Pray for safe travels from Washington to Boise.

  • Please pray for my trip to Arkansas and that I will be safe. Pray for me to succeed and that I can get my head checked. Please pray that I don’t have brain cancer.

  • Please pray for me to know when to go to Butte, Montana.
