

  • Evelyn asks that we pray for her family situation. “My dad is an alcoholic and he’s getting worse and worse. His friend is moving in and they drink together a lot.  Please pray for him to know that God has something so much better for his life. Pray that he will encounter many Christians who will share the Good News of Jesus with him.”

  • An anonymous person asks that we “pray for my healing and also pray for our son in college. 

  • Carrie asks us to praise God with her!  Her husband Rod went to Last Vegas recently to see their daughter who shared that she wanted to start going to church and stop dating her boyfriend.  Pray that she gets to know Jesus personally.  She looks to astrology sometimes, please pray against that habit.

  • Please pray that Cherie will have an abundance of wisdom in dealing with her son who has some disabilities that impede his ability to cope with issues that seem minor to others. Pray that God gives him a divine ability to see the reality of situations and grace to remain calm. Pray that he would understand more about Jesus and glorify Him with his life.

  •  Randy asks that we please continue to pray for his large, extended family as they all attend Steve’s memorial next Saturday.  “Craig, Mike, Christy and I are all that are left from nine children.  Ask God to guide my heart and words to do His will.” Pray especially for Steve’s daughter Shawna and his son Steven who has been missing for years. Pray for their well being and that they will cling to Jesus.

  • Please continue to keep Caleb in prayer. His dad Greg died last year and he has been ill ever since. He is going to see a new doctor Thursday for internal issues that severely affect him. Also please keep Greg’s wife Sandy and other sons Jonathan and Joshua in prayer.

