

  • Please continue to pray for all who grieve the loss of Jeff O’Brien—his parents, brother, extended family, and the students at Calvary’s Youth Group, Boise’s Ambrose School and the Calvary Bible College in Murrieta, California. Pray that God gives them comfort, peace and the ability to trust Jesus deeply.

  • Please continue to pray for Becca Brown, our missionary to Vancouver, British Columbia.  She had surgery Monday to implant a neuro-stimulator and the hope is that this will finally give her relief from the chronic pain she has endured for more than five years. Please pray for Christ’s healing.

  • Steven with the Special Needs Ministry asks that we pray for Janell, one of the Special Needs volunteers. Her brother-in-law passed away this week and she covets prayer from the body as she and her family go through this difficult time. Pray for God’s strength and comfort, peace and unifying love.

  • Val asks that we please pray for her friend Sally who lives in Portland and just found out that she has endometrial cancer. Please pray for a good outcome for her in every area of her life and especially that she develops a strong walk with Jesus at this time.

  • Stephanie asks that we please pray for her daughter-in-law Katie. She has Stage-4 breast cancer, and has been given only a month to live. She is in a lot of pain. Please also pray that she accepts the Lord as her savior.

  • Please pray for Mike and Lindsay Buck who attend Calvary Emmett but have strong ties to the Calvary Boise family.  Last week they discovered that their unborn daughter no longer had a heartbeat. Please pray for God’s comfort for them and especially for their other children who were looking forward to meeting their sister here on earth.

