
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for restoration and for our marriage.

  • Please pray for my son and the relationship with his father.

  • Pray for my sweet 9 year old niece Kaylie. She was recently diagnosed with B-cell lymphoma leukemia. Pray that the Lord will grant her medical team wisdom and guide them in providing the best care possible. Pray for strength and courage for Kaylie and our family as we navigate this difficult journey. But most importantly, pray for Kaylie’s healing, that she may overcome this illness and be cured, so she can continue to shine her light on all of us.

  • Please pray for the upcoming Women’s Retreat. I am attending on my own.  Pray for safe travels to Mc Call and for new relationships and friendships to grow.  Thank you to the ladies who work hard to make this retreat happen.  Thank you to Jesus for this ministry!

  • Please pray for my daughter in law who is pregnant with our second granddaughter. Pray for the final weeks of her pregnancy to be easy on her and for a safe delivery of our healthy grandbaby.

  • Please pray Jacob & Tara O'Brien who are MAF missionaries and sent the following update and prayer requests:

    • Pray for our team while we are away.

    • Pray for the quick importation of our new airplane. 

    • Pray for a new engine for our damaged airplane.

    • Pray for continued safety in our operations.

    • Praise for a healthy delivery of baby Daniel last month!

    • Pray that we would look to Jesus for strength in everything we do.
