
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Praise the Lord! He is Risen!!!!  Thank You Lord for Your sacrifice. 

  • Please pray behind Dad in route with EMS to NKC Hospital please pray and share. For full healing of feet and UTI possible. And for Moms peace and great health for both in Jesus. To God's glory! 

  • Pray for our 93 year old grandma who was taken to the ER and they discovered she has pancreatic cancer. Pray for our family as we face this news.

  • Please pray that Gary would be a Father to his biological son Caleb and provide all of his needs mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and financial in Texas!!!

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Italy, Brent and Hope Harrell who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Pray over our various evangelistic efforts and events  aimed at reaching the lost. Pray for softened hearts, brokenness, repentance for Romans - Italians. 

    • Pray over various men’s, women's, and youth studies, especially our annual Youth Apologetic Conference and Fall Fest Outreach in the fall. 

    • Pray for our new cell group/church plant on the lake in Trevignano. Pray for Luca's salvation, and others visiting the study.

    • Pray against the enemy and the flesh, for humility, love, and the fruit of the Spirit among us.

    • Pray for upcoming outreaches summer/fall, possible teams interested in coming, that God would work out all the details.
