
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Praise God for Divine Providence, Divine Appointments, Divine Protection and Divine Blessings!

  • Praying for a good and bountiful spring this year.

  • Pray for peace in Jerusalem.

  • Please pray for revivals in our workplaces. Pray for unity among believers and for Godly leaders in the US.

  • Please pray for my 86yr old father who will be undergoing heart surgery on Tuesday 3/19 (triple bypass and a valve replacement).  He started out almost a year ago seeking a hip replacement due to extreme pain and mobility issues but then heart issues were discovered.  He's a believer and is ready for heaven but he's also intent on being able to care for my mom who is experiencing memory issues as dementia is changing their lives.  He also believes he has much more to do for the Kingdom before the Lord comes back.  Appreciate your prayers for wisdom for the surgeon and healing with no complications if it be the Lord's will.  

  • Please pray for our missionary to Romania, Natalie Bridges who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Praise the Lord, the children in the girls’ orphanage house are feeling much better.  Thank you for praying for them.  Unfortunately, Cristina is on medical leave due to pain and problems with her stomach problem.  Please pray for her healing.  We celebrated Jenica’s birthday with festive decorations, cake and presents.  She’s been talking about her birthday since the day after her birthday last year!  She was thrilled and had a wonderful day. 

    • Please continue to pray for Razvan’s former friend.  Razvan continues to experience great emotional distress due to the abandonment of his life-long friend.  Please pray for the Lord to repair their friendship.

    • We are continuing our interviews for the two new children at the after-school program.  Please pray that the Lord will make it clear which children he wants us to have at the program.  We currently have 4 children in the running and are waiting for other recommendations from schools we have contacted.  Thank you for praying for us.  I believe the Lord is leading us to the children he wants us to have in the program. 

    • Please continue to pray for the kids in the after-school program.  They continue to struggle with motivation to study and learn, but we are seeing glimmers of hope in their attitudes and behaviors. Please pray for Aid and Sebi as they have important exams coming up and they both did poorly on their simulation exams.
