
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Pray for Matthew to see the importance and work harder to get all his grades up!!!

  • Please pray for Rod to start getting product made for his new business. Thank you.

  • Please pray against spiritual attack for us.

  • Hello, I am part of the online family. Yesterday they found a mass under my sternum that has to be removed next Thursday. It’s a tricky surgery because of its location. Please pray for God to be with the surgeon and that it removes easily and it is benign. Thank you all in advance. I’m trusting and believing God will send supernatural healing. The LORD knows All my needs. In Jesus name I pray.

  • Please pray for my family that they find a home and would be strong.

  • Please pray Brad and Kristian Westom who are MAF missionaries and sent the following update and prayer requests:

    • Please pray for us and DRC. Fighting has intensified around the Goma area. That is about 1.5 hour flight south of us. Saturday there was an attack on the Goma airport at night, so supposedly people would not be harmed. A military attack jet was damaged as well as a couple of commercial planes. We have prayed and as an MAF program decided to suspend flight into Goma for a month. We have been contacting missionaries and our partners to inform them of this change. They will need to change flights to Entebbe, Uganda and then we can bring them into Congo. Please pray for peace. Many Congolese are suffering. There have been demonstrations in Kinshasa about this war as well, asking why western countries are not stopping this war.
