
Daily Prayer Requests

  • I am having car problems and need a reliable mechanic. Please pray that the Lord provide a God mechanic and the finances for me to get my car fixed.
  • Please pray for my husband to repent of his adulterous lifestyle and totally lose desire for his mistress. That he would totally surrender to Jesus and be set free, and that our marriage would be completely restored stronger than ever.
  • Please pray for breakthrough. Pray I'd be faithful to God, for a good and godly husband and that God defeat every enemy and move every mountain in the way of God's best will and desire for me in Jesus name. Pray I'd know God is for me and that God shut the mouths of lions forever in Jesus name. Pray Jesus answer quickly to justify by his blood like the woman and the unrighteous judge in the Bible in Jesus name.
  • Please pray for my recovery in my substance abuse addiction and my mental illness that I'm struggling with. I was recently kept alive during a time I should not have survived and I wish to have someone pray that I find my purpose for still being here in this world. Please pray to give me the strength on the days I want to give up again. I would also like a prayer for my marriage to heal from the damage I caused during our first year together and to be able to make the right choices going forward so I can be the wife my husband deserves. Please pray that we are able to solve any problems and stay together forever like we both said we wanted in the past. I believe my husband was a miracle gift from God and I don't want to lose it or take it for granted. Please also pray that I find forgiveness for myself for all my mistakes I've made in the past and help me to not feel like a mistake in the world anymore and to have God help me become the person I was meant to be moving forward. And lastly, I'd like a prayer that I find happiness in this world despite the hardships I face. Thank you so much!