
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Prayers for no breast cancer. Thank you Jesus. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

  • Please pray for my sister. She had a biopsy on a mass in her uterus yesterday. 

  • Pray the results show no cancer.

  • Please pray fully in agreement for an extension on my Dad's care at skilled nursing.

  • Please pray for mi DIL that her heart would soften to the Holy Spirit and that she would be saved.

  • Please pray for my son Jaden. That he would repent and return to Jesus.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Romania, Chris and Faith Anderson who sent the following updates and requests:

    • Ghiță just came home from the hospital this past Friday. He ended up being in there for two weeks. Thank you for praying for him he not only had pneumonia but fluid around his heart. He is still not 100% but at least he gets to rest and recover at home. He has now lost his job as well. Please continue to pray for their family. We are not sure what they are going to do. He is an electrician and worked at the shipyard but they laid a whole bunch of people off and aren’t many electrician jobs around here. We are praying God to open the door for him somewhere after he recovers. 

    • Not all activities have been totally planned for the new year as people were sick and meetings delayed etc. But the meetings that were held went well and progress made. 

    • We want to go ahead and start praying for our teams coming this summer: God to put the right teams together. To go before us and the Lord to go ahead and start softening hearts and having exactly who will come to our English, Sports camp. 

    • Please pray for those in the youth who have not accepted Christ yet. They are really searching. We pray God to break down the strongholds that are keeping them from making that leap of faith. 
