
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for a man with mental health issues. He is sinking further and further into despair. He needs divine intervention. He was just released from a mental health hospital and is afraid he can’t last out in the real world.
  • Please pray for a mom with no dental insurance. She needs 2 new crowns and doesn’t have dental insurance or the money to get them. She is the only one working and can barely keep up with the bills as it is. Also, please pray for her to stay strong in the Lord and to maintain her health.
  • Pray for us as we deal with financial struggles. We are also having family move in with us as they start their new life in Boise.  Pray for strength as we maneuver all the changes. Pray for my husband as he faces a retirement that doesn’t look anything like he had hoped for.  And pray for me as I am the rock in our family’s faith.
  • Prayer for my granddaughter. She needs to know God is with her as she struggles as a single mom. 
  • Please pray for our missionaries to Sierra Leon, Alpha and Doris Bangura who sent the following updates and prayer requests:
    • I am humbly asking the prayer team to pray for the peace and stability of Sierra Leone.


    • Pray for us, that God will raise God fearing political leaders who will take Sierra Leone to God and bring peace, love, and unity to Sierra Leoneans. Leaders that will bring progress and development in Sierra Leone.


    • Pray for God's divine intervention in the orphanage in the area of progress and sustainable development. 


    • We are involved in inland mission work. There is a leading towards propagating the gospel to people in the interior towns and villages.  We need mobility support to be able to go and preach and teach those people who live in the provinces the word of God.
