
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for me while I am at the Work Center. Please pray that my son’s heart would soften and ties will be mended between him and my mom.

  • Please pray for those desiring to be married. Pray that the Lord would bring Godly people into their lives.

  • I am going in for further testing for breast cancer. Pray that there are no cancer cells present.

  • Praises that my sister-in-law’s surgery was successful and praying the cancer was fully removed.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Canada, Marlon and Becca Brown who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Prayer & Fasting- our church is in the middle of a time of prayer and fasting. Pray for revelation, guidance, wisdom, direction, victory… for us as a church and for each individual member.

    • Big Decision- pray especially for me and our elders. We have a big decision that will affect the future of our church. Can’t really go into details right now, but please for the Lord to speak clearly to us. And which ever direction that He leads us, we would pursue in faith.

    • Family- It is a busy season. Kids in sports, school, Becca and I both coaching different teams in our community (that are kids aren’t on)…pray for grace and rest. Pray for quality personal time with the Lord, and together as a family. Pray for Judah as we are looking into colleges.

    • Pray for M- really been struggling with depression as of late.
