
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Court is supposed to be Monday for a situation that just needs to be dropped. Please pray it gets dropped. I haven’t been able to meet with my lawyer due to him being out of country for a while. Pray for peace, grace and strength.

  • Pray for family members to come to Lord Jesus for salvation.

  • Please pray for my sister in law who is having a hip replacement surgery this morning. Praying for Gods protection and healing in her recovery. Thank you.

  • My daughter has a brain aneurysm is scheduled for surgery early Tuesday morning. Asking for God's hand of healing on her and His Spirit of peace to cover her family. Thank you.

  • Please pray for our missionary to Romania, Natalie Bridges who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Please continue to pray for the Lord to do a work in Tavi’s heart and life.

    • The orphanage children are continuing to do well, however Antoniu is still the in the hospital.  Please pray that the Lord will heal him.  We will have a group of students from an international school in England coming to volunteer for a week in February.  The school sends a group of high school students and teachers each year.  Please pray that I will have opportunities to bond with the students and share the gospel with them during their visit.  They will be spending time with me at the orphanage and the after-school program.  

    • I have only a few English class students this semester due to the online format that we are required to do again this year.  Please pray for the Lord to provide a way for us to have class in-person.  Despite giving options to the director at the Community Center, he is unwilling to allow us to meet in-person.  In the meantime, please pray that I will have creative, anointed lessons that connect with the teens and give them a hunger to know God.

    • Please continue to pray for Razvan’s salvation. We know that God is working, it’s just a big battle. Please also continue to pray for salvation for Adina's son (Sergiu) and Carmen’s husband (Nicușor).

    • Praise the Lord, Ildiko's feet are still doing well.  Please continue to pray for her basement issues with her neighbor. There is still no change and she continues to use only half the space she originally had for her kitchen. God continues to give her grace in the midst of the trial, and we praise him for that!
