
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Pray for peace in Jerusalem.

  • Praise the Lord for hearing our prayers and answering them in His time.

  • Pray for revival fires in our country with our leaders.

  • Pray for clarity and peace and confidence for me on how to navigate possible employment opportunities.

  • Praise the Lord for Divine protection, Divine appointments, Divine providence.

  • Please pray for our missionary to Romania, Natalie Bridges who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Thank you for praying for the kids in the after-school program.  Today, we watched the Jim Elliot story (Torchlighters) dubbed in Romanian.  The kids loved it and had lots of questions afterward.  We also had a meeting with Sebi and his mom about the upcoming exam and his future.  Please continue to pray for the kids to be motivated to learn and to surrender their lives fully to the Lord.  Sebi’s father is unemployed and spends a lot of time sleeping or playing video games.  So, Sebi and his younger brothers are greatly influenced by this.  Sadly, none of the children have good relationships with their fathers. 

    • The new volunteers, who are Godly men, have not started volunteering yet.  They have had nothing but problems with health issues, electricity outages, and a whole variety of other issues that have demanded their time.  Please pray that they will be able to start teaching soon.

    • Please continue to pray for Sami and Carmen’s relationship.  They are doing better, but there is still a lot of conflict brewing under the surface.  But I have exciting news!  The Lord is answering our prayers in a special way…Carmen announced that she wants to start coming to church with us and will bring her son!  Please pray that the enemy will not hinder her.

    • Another answer to prayer, we have three potential students interested in joining our program and we will be doing interviews soon.  Please pray that the Lord will show us which children to select.
