
Daily Prayer Requests

  • I want file for divorce but I don’t know if I should continue to endure abandonment and neglect towards me and my three kids ( no adultery) the past 20 years or file for divorce because there’s nothing else more to try. I’ve given up and exhausted.

  • Please pray for healing for me and my daughter’s relationship. We’ve had a strange relationship for many years, I know God wants me to focus on Him and take care of myself. It’s so hard to let go of my adult daughter that really does not want a close relationship with me from past hurts Thank you.

  • Please pray for my 29 year old son. He has Asperger’s, severe anxiety, panic attacks, Agoraphobia, is an alcoholic & in hospital for the 5th time this year for withdrawn & detox. He is in rehab and it is very expensive. Please pray for God’s provision for him to pay this rehab facility.

  • Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture,shoulder pain,back pain, all body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health and a long life for my mom.

  • Please pray Jacob & Tara O'Brien who are MAF missionaries and sent the following update and prayer requests:

    • Tara has started an English club at our church. She has been really enjoying her time and it has been very well received by the congregation. 

    • I had a unique opportunity to help one of our fellow missionaries who lives in the middle of the country and has an airplane he flies to do his work. He had a problem with his landing gear and no parts or mechanic to fix it. I was able to carve some time out of our busy schedule and we happened to have the parts in stock to fix his airplane! 

    • We are still operating with only one airplane. But EMO, the caravan in maintenance in Uganda should be coming back soon. 

    • Pray for wisdom as Jacob manages maintenance.

    • Pray for the election!

    • Pray for the quick importation of our new airplane. 

    • Pray for protection, provision, and blessing for all of the MAF families.

    • Pray for all the MAF kids, that God would direct their paths and bless their lives.

    • Pray for continued safety in our operations.

    • Pray that we would look to Jesus for strength in everything we do.
