
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for my wife. She has blood clots in her legs.  Thank you.

  • Thanks for praying, our family christmas went well, minimal drama and a chance to share the biblical Christmas story and sing happy birthday to Jesus.  I am so thankful for the prayer support from this prayer warrior family.

  • Blood has been found in my urine, raising the concern of cancer. Please pray in the name of Jesus that I do not have cancer anywhere. Test is not until February. Thanks.

  • Please Lord, I lift up my mother. She is showing signs of senility and possible dementia.  We are going to have to have the difficult conversation with her soon about driving and living on her own.  I pray for wisdom and discernment on how to navigate through that conversation.

  • Thank you for the beautiful Christmas Eve service, church!! I would like to pray for the people I met during the 3:00 service who are new to our church family.  They need the Lord!

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Canada, Marlon and Becca Brown who sent the following updates and prayer requests:
    • We are excited to spend time again with our little church family, please continue to lift our church in prayer. That people would continue to build strong relationships and minister to one another. Pray for those who struggle to come. Pray we would stay faithful to just be there for them.

    • Basketball-   So! We are back to volunteering at our kids’ schools. We are both coaching the boys’ and girls’ basketball teams. It’s been such a fun way to get to be with these teens. We have probably mentioned this before, but we live in a lower income neighborhood and so a lot of these teens’ parents are not present because they have to usually work two jobs. We struggle with keeping these kids in class, and so it’s important to have an after-school activity.  Sports is such a great way to pour into them. Are desire is to build relationships and share His love with them.  Both our son and daughter play for the high school so we also get to spend time with them and their friends.  Pray for wisdom and compassion for these kids and that the He shows us how to reach this community. 

    • Pray for our city. We want to see a revival. We want to see church come together and reach this city. 


    • Was praying this morning for all our other missionary families out there. I know this week hasn’t been easy for us, a lot continues to come against us, even this week physically for me. But I am praying the Lord strengthens you all and you continue to shine the love of Jesus as you are obedient to walk it out. Remember you are not alone, so honored to see your prayer requests, praying God provides all you need in Him! 


    • Praying for all your services!  May He be glorified! Love you Boise family! Love you church family! 

    • I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace.