
Daily Prayer Requests

Prayer for my husband to get a couple deals this week. Tuesday we met at COLE VALLEY for a family orientation at 10 o’clock. We’ve been trying to get my son in. May God go before all of that!! I had to fly to Seattle on Wednesday to renew a passport, didn’t realize it expired and headed to Mexico in two weeks, praying it all goes smooth and I can get it. Thank you. Merry Christmas.!! I am flying out of the country to see my grandsons in Switzerland 3 days after Christmas and I am sick! I have seen the doctor and he prescribed me antibiotics.  Please pray for swift and complete healing so my trip is not delayed.  I haven’t seen them in months and I am so excited to see them!!! My uncle passed away. Please pray for my family to have peace and comfort. Please pray for our missionaries to Tepic, Mexico, Saul and Angelica Alvarez who sent the following updates and prayer requests: We are doing very well. My wife is much better also. We had a great Christmas service and a nice and yummy dinner after service. Mostly of the people that we invited to the church received Christ as their Savior when I did the invitation and while a was preaching some of them started crying. I hope that they attend church tomorrow for the bible study or Sunday for the service. Pray for the people that received Christ in their heart last Sunday. Pray for Miraya. She will go to LA to see her sister because she is sick. Pray for Francis. She will fly to LA to see her family and spend Christmas with them. Pray for Graciela and her kids. Her boyfriend Gerbacio does not let her go to church. Keep praying for Elza and her two sons. Pray for Ester. She got the dengue. Pray for Juan. He is getting surgery tomorrow. In the past, he had cancer and the surgery has to do so something with the cancer. Pray for Karen and her son César. She has a boyfriend and I have been talking to them about getting married. Pray for this also. Keep my parents in your prayers. Both of them got sick last week. Keep praying for Fermín. He is working so a lot and has not been attending church. He just comes to church on Sundays to leave his tithes and then he leaves for work. Pray for Socorro and her family. I want to thank all of you for your prayers and support