
Daily Prayer Requests

  • My friends husband is going in for a thyroid surgery and they think it might be cancer. She is stressing and having a lot of anxiety about this. Please pray for her to have the Lord peace and that there be no cancer.

  • Update from a woman who asked for prayer for her brother: She said her brother is doing well physically, but struggling with doing what he’s supposed to do with nutrition. He’s in rehab for a few months. She asked her niece to get a psychiatrist to visit with him to talk about med changes. Forward progress!

  • Pray for a woman and her two kids as they try to get back on their feet this Christmas season.

  • Please pray for me. I have finally received my housing voucher and when I talked to the apartment complex I am hoping to move into, they told me I am on the top of the list.  Please pray that this process would move along quickly.  I am grateful to have my car and the shelters that I have been able to stay in, but I am ready for a stable roof over my head.  Thank you.  And thank you for the food provided to me through the Food Pantry!  You are all such blessings to so many!!!

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Romania, Brian and Cynthia Fouts who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • We were able to provide 21 gift bags to a very poor area in Romania through a good friend of mine. We also purchased wood for a family to heat their house this winter.

    • This week we are working on gift bags for our after-school program kids and gift for a convalescent home for the elderly that one of the ladies works at. 

    • We are also planning on gifts for the orphanage like we do every year and singing Christmas carols as well.

    • Pray for us as this is always a busy season for us. 
