
Daily Prayer Requests

  • My friend is a single mama and needs some clarity on big decisions and doors to open to the right path and wrong doors to close.

  • Please pray for my sister Debbie, she is going to Salt Lake City for swallow test and Endoscopy and Manometry. Thank you and Praise the Lord.

  • I would like for you to pray for my wife, that she can see it in her heart to forgive her husband for the way he talks to her. I want to save our marriage and keep our family together.

  • Praise God the man we prayed for who underwent intestinal surgery last week is doing better. Prayer works!  Please keep praying for this spiritual life and that his family will have the blessed assurance of His salvation in Christ alone.  

  • Please pray for our dear friend who was hospitalized with RSV. Doctors have diagnosed him with a rare autoimmune immune condition that affects the kidneys.  Pray his kidney function is fully restored. Pray for his family's peace and comfort.  Thank you. 

  • Please pray for our missionary to Romania, Natalie Bridges who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • We had a great time in Mangalia and praise the Lord, the kids and I had many discussions about the gospel and what it means to be a Christian and obedience and many other important issues and it was so wonderful having the support of the Anderson’s.  We were able to pray with each other and encourage each other during different challenging issues that we found ourselves dealing with during that weekend.  Thank you so much for praying for us!

    • The Christmas outreach activities have begun.  I had my English class Christmas party on Tuesday and had a great turnout and I was able to share the gospel during our discussions in between games.  Attached is a picture of most of the students who came.

    • Please continue to pray that the Lord will make a way for us to have class in person.   We also finished up the boxes for the children in the village that we are helping (this village is one of the poorest in Romania).

    • Our Ladies Craft event will be on Saturday.  Please pray for a good turnout and great fellowship during the event.

    • The after-school kids will be singing and sharing the gospel with the residents of a nearby retirement home and we will have our Christmas party on Dec 15th.  Please pray for the Lord to move in a special way during these days.  We are still not back in our normal meeting space because the internal part of the remodel is still not finished and we need a place to have the party (our temporary location doesn’t have a working kitchen).  Please pray that the landlord will finish soon and that we will have help with the repairs we need to make on our own.  

    • Please also pray for the Christmas party for the orphans.  We really want to bless them and the workers in a special way this year.

