
Daily Prayer Requests

  • My four-year-old daughter has cerebral palsy. Sometimes she screams in response to things not going her way. It's in those moments that I mentally freeze. I don't know what to do except just stare at her in shock. I need prayer to handle those moments when her spasticity acts up the worst.


  • Pray for my son. He is 18, raised in the church, used to bring unsaved people to the church services, etc. However, for the past several years he has decided that he is a bisexual person. Right now he is interested in a transgender person in another state online.


  • Prayers for a man needing help to repair his car. He needs the car to get to work so he can keep his job to pay his child support and keep visiting with his daughter.


  • I am staying in Intermountain Health right now and I need clothes. Please pray for God to provide me with some new clothes or some people to please help me with new clothes.  Thank you everyone.


  • Please pray for my son who will be travelling out of the country for work in the next week. Pray for safe travels for him, for his health and pray for me to have peace while he travels and is away.  Thank you.
