
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray God opens a door I need some car repairs and gas so I can get to church and my temp work Its been 9mnths- I'm struggling. I need guidance on what to do.

  • First a praise. My brother Andy was admitted to the emergency room on Saturday the 5th oh Nov. He went into a diabetic coma. They were able to get his sugar levels down but he did not regain consciousness. He was sedated and put on a ventilator and a shunt was put in his skull. Two days ago he was able to breath on his own and he opened his eyes. Today he is able to respond to yes and no questions by shaking his head. While he was unresponsive my niece let me talk and pray for him over speaker phone. The last time I was on the phone my sister in law & niece ask me to pray. Yea!! They all know who God is but don’t know Him. God is working on this family. Please pray for continued physical, mental, and spiritual healing. Also pray that I am able to go to Spokane when he is sent there from Moscow.

  • Please pray for a man who had to have bypass surgery on Friday morning. He and his family are believers. This is a sudden shock to the family and will effect their livelihood as the husband has 2 months recovery after surgery. Thanks prayer warriors.

  • Pray for me. I think my husband may be seeing another woman.  My heart hurts.  Pray that the Lord reveals to me the truth and prepares my heart for whatever is to be true.  Thank you.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Ayotzintepec, Mexico, Miguel and Luisa Cruz who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Please pray for our kids’ Christmas celebration.  We would again like to give gifts to the kids. 

    • Pray for Hector and his wife, Olivia.  They want to be baptized. And pray for healing, as Hector is sick and is unable to work.  The doctor does not know what he has.

    • Also pray for Luisa and me.  Pray for our health and personal needs.
