
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for the Dunn family. They have received some bad news about a family members health.

  • Prayers for a new place to live please!

  • Please pray for my friend to forgive me and that God would give me the grace and strength to forgive me as well. I miss my friend and the ministry we started together.

  • Pray for my best friend to find peace in his life. He is in a relationship that he needs to be free from.  He also needs to make the decision on where he wants to plant roots. 

  • I have to find some balance!!! I am stretched so thin that I need strength from Jesus to help get me through life!  Thank you so much!!!

  • My Dad did not fully break his wrist but fractured it so that is Great! He will not have surgery as of now. He will go in weekly for x rays to follow the progression. If he's easy on it and the bones heal properly, no surgery just keeping braced until all better. Praise God! Big Praise!

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Romania, Chris and Faith Anderson who sent the following updates and requests:

    • Please just pray for our time in Greece and safety there and safety in our travels, was a 15 hour drive. 

    • Also pray for a meeting we will have when we get back with the pastor. We will meet with him in private without all the other elders and will use a translator this time just to be sure all of this stress and frustration is not something being miscommunicated somewhere. The translator is one of the young adults but that can be trusted not to repeat the meeting to anyone. We truly believe God has put us with this church, and this is the pastor he has put over us, we want our hearts in the right place, and not to becoming hard towards him and is very possible everything is just a misunderstanding culturally and language speaking. But we pray for God to give us the words that need to be said and to share the vision God has given us clearly and for listening ears and hearts on both sides. 
