
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Dear Church, I would prayers for J.K. pray God will soften his heart and reach him. Pray Salvation for the Leveque. Pray healing for Brendon’s leukemia and chemo treatments.

  • Urgent prayer request! A close friend hit a pedestrian last night. Please pray for all involved. The person driving just got baptized the day before.

  • Thank you so much for praying. My Dad goes today at 10:30 a.m. to the orthopedic wrist specialist. Please pray for God's miracle and that his wrist is healed. Praise Jesus. It has not been yet set. It took this long to get him in. We are believing for God's glory known. And for no more falls or injuries.

  • Please pray for my friend that God brings conviction and correction that he have no peace or rest day or night until he apologizes to me, and that God grant me divine wisdom and discernment in dealing in with him.

  • Please pray for our missionary to Romania, Natalie Bridges who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • This week I am blessed to be attending a women’s conference in Greece. Please pray for my travels and my time in Greece (I get to be with the Anderson's). I am looking forward to seeing what God wants to do here.  I did get to do some site-seeing today.  Attached is a picture I took at the Parthenon. 

    • Please continue to pray for the renovations at the after-school program building. They started on back side of the building and our apartment is vulnerable to break-ins. We will have to move to another temporary location again when they replace the windows.  

    • Please continue to pray for the kids to be motivated to learn, they are settling in and starting to do better, but it’s still challenging to keep them motivated.   Also, we get food for the kids from an Orthodox church that makes food for those in need, but the kids have been complaining about the food so much that I considered not providing food anymore.  But I realize that the enemy is behind this complaining, because our meal time is when we share stories, read the Bible, pray together, and share what we're thankful for each day.  Please pray against the enemy's schemes in this area. 

    • Please continue to pray for the Lord to do a work in Tavi’s heart and life. Please pray that the Lord will guide us in selecting children for the two open positions. We want the children he wants us to have in the program.

    • Please pray for our upcoming Ladies Tea event on November 4th. Please pray for all the details to be directed by the Holy Spirit and that many ladies will come and be blessed. 
