
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for a lady who is on her way to ER she had a wound vac after surgery and it got ripped out. Thanks.

  • Pray for a woman requesting prayer for unspoken requests. Praises that God knows our needs, spoken and unspoken!

  • Please pray for my husband’s work project that the Lord‘s will would be done, the right people would see it, be interested in it, and respond as quickly as possible.

  • Pray for a man who was wrongfully accused of a crime he is being incarcerated for. Pray for justice and truth to prevail.

  • Asking for prayer for our 16 year old son who is trouble as a result of poor choices made before coming to Jesus. We are in crisis as a family as a result. Asking for prayer for our family as we navigate this overwhelmingly stressful time. He suffers from debilitating anxiety which makes the whole situation more difficult for all of us. Pray that he feels our love for him and help him to trust in the Lord. Pray that his father and I are able to sleep. Pray that we will have the right wisdom and guidance for him. Prayer requested for me, as his mother whose heart is aching that God will hold me and guide me, to ease my constant anxiety so that I may trust in him fully. Thank you.

  • Please pray for the work being done in India through Send Hope Now. We received the following updates and prayer requests:

    • We were just notified that the Indian government has given Calvary Chapel Trust India a 5 year extension on their FCRA certification.  As a background, they have only given us extensions every 3 months until now.  The FCRA agreement is the form that gives us the ability to transfer funds to India.  This is a HUGE praise!

    • Another praise – Brother Ulrich made it safely through customs in India and is now home with his wife and children and back to work!
