
Daily Prayer Requests

  • My son was born last week prematurely and is in the NICU.  Please pray for his full recovery.

  • K's son would find work. D for salvation. Skip would come to church. Miranda would have a deeper walk with Jesus. Salvation for family and friends. Thanks

  • Please pray for my nephew and his wife. They are both doctors and are in Israel currently.

  • Please Pray for restoration. Pray for the home in Sparks/Reno and the covenant between Max and Brendaly.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Italy, Robert and Chantal Diamubeni who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • One prayer request, and that is for a miracle from the Lord for a place where they can be holding their services that has a room for children's ministry in the area of Frascati or Grottaferrata that costs around 250 - 300 euro a month. 
