
Daily Prayer Requests

  • We have just received results from my son’s latest MRI and unfortunately, doctors found an area of concern. His doctor in SF will have the other brain tumor specialist give their input and we will find out this week if they will just watch the spot for a until the next MRI or if he will need to restart on some chemo. Please pray for wisdom for doctors and for encouragement.


  • Pray for my family. We will be going on vacation in 2 weeks and we need prayers for protection of mind, body and spirit. 

  • Update on my sisters friend, Paul: "Praise the Lord! Paul is breathing on his own, but he is breathing too much. Hyperventilating a little. They need him to breathe more consistently, so he is still on the respirator and it is supporting a more regular breathing pattern."

  • Please pray for S, his wife, their marriage, and children. Please pray for God's direction for them.

  • Please pray for wisdom for my husband and I in parenting our son. That we will make the best choices for him and that we will not feel so alone. Please pray for our son, that his faith and seeking of Jesus will continue, and help him to make healthy choices, and will help him to manage strong emotions in healthy ways. Please pray that I can let go of my constant worry and trust. Thank you

  • Please pray for our missionary with YWAM in Kimberly Region, Australia, Jessica Hetrick who sent the following updates and requests:

    • Smooth and safe travel as I leave on September 18th

    • Strong relationships with my team and the Aboriginal tribes

    • God would continue to increase my love for these people

    • That many more would come to know Jesus
