
Daily Prayer Requests

  • I have a certain problem that’s really bothering me. Please pray for me that the Lord would give me the answers I need to know how to deal with it and grace not to be bothered by it. It would be great if He’d just take it away.

  • Please pray for freedom from depression and for God’s guidance for Jo.

  • Please pray for God’s hand to be in Gabe’s medical school residency placement and future clinic.

  • Please pray for an opportunity for my family to get out of debt while my husband completes school.

  • Please pray for the Russell family that the Doctors will have answers on the cardiac issues happening in their family. Please pray for health, comfort, peace, and answers for them.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Slovenia, Ales and Whitney Lajar who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • We had an amazing second half of the summer after all the camps were finished, as we got to spend almost 3 full weeks (thanks to Aleš’s mom) on vacation in Austria and Croatia with our family. It was a much needed rest and connecting with everyone. 

    • All our kids were accepted into the schools they wanted to attend, which has been a huge answer to prayer. 

    • Lanea (our oldest daughter) is starting a new high school focused on practical art (arranging flowers, gardens, etc.). Daniel (our oldest son) is moving to a student home in a nearby city, studying to become an Optometrist. Huntley is continuing at a private Waldorf school, and our little two Kenzley and Adonijah are back in the same primary school close to our house. It would be an understatement to say we are not busy - so lots of prayer for getting everything arranged, bought, and managed in these last days will be appreciated. 

    • With all that’s going on at church and home, we have seen Spiritual Warfare increase in our family. Please pray for protection, clear and kind communication among our family members, and lots of grace for each other.

    • Aleš will start his last semester at Western Seminary and then graduate in his Master’s program. Please pray he finishes strong, as he has to juggle school, ministry, two side jobs, and his family. 
