
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Pray for a young lady who continues in her healing process that she would have Christ’s love revealed to her daily.

  • Pray for my niece and her family. She must be out of the place where she is staying by Aug 31. Please pray the Lord will provide a nice home for her, her daughter and the boys in Meridian area or close. Thanks.

  • My friend who I have requested prayer before is still struggling with the idea that he is worth saving. Pray that God breaks through and that God is gloried. Thanks all!

  • Please pray for my husband that he could complete his projects perfectly today and for our future that the Lord would lead us in what He wants.

  • Please pray for my daughter to enjoy school more. She has had to deal with some kids that make her feel like an outsider.  She tries hard to be a good friend but hasn’t felt part of her group of friends or the sports team she is playing on.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Slovenia, Ales and Whitney Lajar who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Having the CC Boise team help us out with the 20th anniversary and the English LEGO camp was such a blessing and a blast. It was really amazing to partner with them and see them make connections with kids and our church members. Really looking forward to hopefully repeating it next year. 

    • Last week we signed the contract for the new church building! After more than a month of negotiating and filing out the details of the new contract, God has fully flung open the door and we are moving into the new building.

    • Being in the same building for 16 years means we have invested a lot into it. Now it’s time to move everything (either donate things, sell them, or throw them away) which we will take the full month of September to do so.

    • We are so thankful that a few people from the CC Boise teams will help us do that in September. Please pray for wisdom and good stewardship. 

      Since our church follows our national school calendar, all of our ministries are starting back up in September. With our church body moving locations, it will require a lot of grace, patience and adjustment to how things are done. Please pray for the body to be flexible and help out. 

    • Our last Sunday service at the old building will be on the 3rd of September, where we will have a time of celebration, thankfulness, and saying farewell to the season God has allowed us to have in this building.

    • The landlady will also join our service, where we will gift her and thank her for all the years we have been allowed to use her building. Please pray for a wonderful end to this last season.

    • Please pray for all the new and old leaders that will be set in at the beginning of this new school year, that they will serve faithfully and fully dependent and committed to the Lord. 

