
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Immediate prayer for Jacob T in Boise needs much prayer.  Very discouraged and in distress. Needs intercession and a real life blessing...needs a job. Needs new friends

  • Pray for a friend who needs wisdom on an apartment for her and her kids. Pray for the Lord to provide wisdom and discernment along with His clarity on whether or not this is the “right one”.

  • My mom has been battling severe headaches for the past two weeks - severe enough to send her to the ER. The doctors think they may have figured out the cause but there’s still more work to do for a proper diagnosis. Please lift her up and pray for God’s healing touch, as well as for grace for my dad who’s caring for her.

  • Please pray for workers! Calvary Boise and Calvary Christian School have several open part-time positions available.  We are looking to fill positions as Nursery Coordinator, Nursery Workers, Preschool and Extended Program Teachers Aides, and Educational Assistants.  Please contact for more information.

  • Please pray for our missionary to Vanuatu, Laura Thulesen who sends the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Thanks for praying about the Bible translation and literacy workshop. I had 8 girls for the main part of the workshop and 3 more joined for the last hour. I pray that it was helpful for some of the girls in being able to prayerfully make decisions about their future involvement in missions, whether that be praying, giving, or going.

    • Please pray for my sister’s family and I as we fly back overseas to Vanuatu this Thursday. We travel and transit for about 26 hours and then arrive in Port Vila Vanuatu. Thanks for your faithfulness in prayer!!
