
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Dakota is now considered as stable since brain pressure is stabilizing. He has responsive movement. Catheter most likely will be removed tomorrow.  Slowly decrease medication. Will be a long road but light at the end. Thank you for praying. 

  • I would like prayer for the Lord's guidance to find new living quarters. I am staying with some friends in Vale, Oregon but living in Oregon has hindered me from being able to get to all the doctor's appointments I need to have. Also my hearing is fading fast and I can only get help with my audiologist if I'm living in Ada County. I would appreciate prayers for at least a room to rent somewhere in the Treasure Valley. Thank you in Jesus name amen.

  • I am saved. I suffer with worry and anxiety and paranoia Please pray the fear will stop and I will be free from it and at peace and fearless and pray God will comfort all my fears. Also, pray God will replace all my fears with his peace every day. Thank you so much.

  • I ask for prayer for my family. For restoration in the relationship between my husband and children.  Pray for God’s peace and comfort for whatever is happening in my world right now. 

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Ayotzintepec, Mexico, Miguel and Luisa Cruz who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Please pray for our church needs in general. We still need to extend more to our church building. And we also need to finish with our wall. We are asking our God to make our church a missionary and soul winning church.  And that our brothers and sisters will be more involved in our church project 

    • Please pray for my sister María del Carmen.  She is still at the hospital 

    • Pray for Héctor and Olivia, so they can come to church.

    • Pray for Benigno and Andrea to come to church.

    • Pray for Saturnino.  He needs spiritual direction.

    • Pray for Marciano and Onorina, for salvación and come to church.

    • Pray for Luisa and I, for God to provide our needs.  God bless and thank you for all you doing for us. (Heb. 6:10)
