
Daily Prayer Requests

  • My friend has experienced declining health for the last 4 years. She was finally diagnosed with a rare, genetic mitochondrial disease. Without a miracle, this will be terminal within 5-10 years. She has 4 kids still at home. One of their kids just got back results with the same genetic condition. They are devastated. Please pray for a miracle.

  • We just found out the house we've lived in for 7 yrs. is being sold. Please pray for a miracle for my family that we can find another place to live that's affordable. I've been looking for weeks with no luck. I don't know what to do, we have nowhere to go. Our daughter has 2 yrs left until she graduates from Capital. I don't want to leave our home but it would take a miracle for us to stay. I feel like the air has been sucked out of my lungs, I don't want to fear, I'm trying to trust in God but I feel like I'm not doing a very good job. Please pray for my family. Thank you so much.

  • Dear God, I pray for clarity in life in order to better be a husband and understand my role in life. Thank you for the blessings you continuously provide. Amen.

  • Please pray for the new neighbor upstairs to Be a good neighbor and understanding of my Sons nightmares. Please pray that this neighbor will be blessed by as, etc.

  • I could use prayer as I’m navigating a very trialing season. The grief and betrayal I’m facing has left the deepest wound I’ve ever experienced. I did not know sadness like this could exist. Please pray for my broken heart.

  • Please pray for our missionary to Romania, Natalie Bridges who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Thank you for all your prayers!  We got back from Mangalia without any problems and didn’t have any more injuries.  We had a wonderful time!  

      Then, we jumped right into the English camp, which was great!  We shared the gospel, made connections, saw miracles, I got some potential new English class students and all the kids can’t wait for next year!  The team was amazing!  The kids from the after-school program had a great time and came to church on Sunday.  Raluca said that she is praying more and feels differently now.  God continues to work and we appreciate your prayers.  One of the boys who came to the camp (Daniel) lives in Bucharest.  I gave him the address and contact info for the Calvary Chapel church there.  Please pray for his salvation and that he will get connected there…many of the team members had some great conversations with him during the week. 

    • The team came to the orphanage with me and the kids there loved them.  Attached are a few pictures of the team blessing the kids.  As a bonus, Stela was working and she is doing much better.  It was great for the team to meet the woman they have been praying for.

    • Please continue to pray for Adina's son, Sergiu.  He came to church and met the team.  He is is a 26 year old, self-proclaimed atheist. 

    • Bogdan still has to take his baccalaureate exam this month.  Please pray for him to do well.  

    • Tavi wasn’t planning to come to the English Camp, but decided at the last minute to come and he had a great time!  He really connected with some of the young men on the team and they had an extremely positive influence on him.  He was at church on Sunday!  Please keep praying for him! 

    • Please continue to pray for Razvan and Nicușor’s salvation.  God continues to work in their lives.  Razvan’s health and finger are doing much better, thank you for praying for him.  
