
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for connections in the places I divide my time.

  • Pray for my daughter. She has bi-polar disorder and is not walking with God.  She is struggling.  She needs a job.  She needs to come back to Jesus and find Christian friends who will help her find healing.

  • Pray for healing for my neck and back.

  • I am pregnant and struggling with nausea and vomiting. Prayers for relief please.  Pray for my husband who is a school teacher that this upcoming school year will go well.

  • Please pray for a classmate that perished over the weekend. Also, for our rental home living situation; for peace, courage, wisdom & God's favor.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Romania, Brian and Cynthia Fouts who sent the following urgent prayer request:

    • Brian's sister called last night and his mom has become disoriented her speech is affected and the right side of her body is not working correctly and does not know anyone, she understands what you are saying to her but doesn't seem to recognize anyone including family. The doctors ruled out a stroke and a blockage last night and are going to do an MRI this morning to try and discover what is going on. She is in the hospital currently and we are just praying for a miracle and answers.