
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Pray for my wife Linda. She is having surgery on Monday 8/7. Pray for God’s will to be done and for a good recovery. God Bless.

  • Please pray for me to stay sober and have control over my addiction.

  • Please pray for my friend that he would have a desire for a better life and can control his addiction as well. Pray that we would be good examples for each other.

  • Please pray for a woman to come in to the life of a very dear and precious man who desires to be married. May she be a lover of Christ!!

  • Please pray for my sister who found out that she is pregnant. Please pray for health for her and the baby, and please pray for their family’s finances that the Lord will provide for their needs. Please pray for an affordable place to live and finances to meet their monthly needs. Please pray for their marriage to grow and their faith to be strengthened. This is a hard time for their family so I pray for joy for them.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Germany, Clark and Ann Peddicord who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    •  We were encouraged when we arrived back! We have been meeting by “Zoom” with students and “alumni” as we continue to pray and strategize for the future of “Haus Nazareth” and how to best build a new “transnational bridge” and relationships among the next generation of believers in key nations around the world. 

    • On Saturday, we had a brunch with the students and several alumni.

    • On Sunday, our core team of leaders will arrive to meet for our annual German board meeting.
