
Daily Prayer Requests

  • My husband is a counselor at Young Life Camp this week. Please pray for lives to be changed.

  • Please pray for my anxiety during my pregnancy.

  • Pray for Rescue Missions Ministries, Elderlies and Shut Ins Ministries, pray for the homeless and the backslidden.

  • Pray for our enemies.

  • I’m enduring a season of many questions, lies, and abandonment. I’ve desperately been clinging to God and He has provided and realigned me with His word through the last month. Thanks be to God! Unfortunately, the grieving and confusion I’m still walking through has me deeply distressed. Please pray for clarity & some kind of comfort to break through. Thank you so much.

  • Please pray Jacob & Tara O'Brien who are MAF missionaries and sent the following update and prayer requests:

    • Our team is now down to two pilots and our maintenance specialist just left on furlough! We have completely full schedule and would really appreciate your prayers for endurance! Today I flew an emergency medical evacuation for a missionary who was deep in the interior and was too ill to travel the over 30 hours by road to the nearest paved runway to be flown out. We were able to reopen an old airstrip near where he was located to fly him back to Kinshasa to receive medical care. 

    • I will be conducting the maintenance Inspection of one of our caravans next week. Please pray that all goes smoothly and we are able to return it to the flight line on time!

    • Tara had a wonderful time leading VBS and they had an awesome turnout. Most of the kids had never been to a VBS before and Tara had many opportunities to show shine Jesus’ light. 

    • Pray for continued safety in our operations. 

    • Pray for our Lingala learning efforts! 

    • Pray for our short-staffed team’s endurance and wisdom!

    • Pray that we would look to Jesus for strength in everything we do.
