
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for a man who needs a room to rent or a cheap apartment. He has a good job, just family tensions where he can't live where he was at anymore. He has his 2 small boys 2 - 3 days a week. Please pray he turns to the Lord through this situation. Thanks.

  • We kindly ask the church body to pray over our IVF journey as we started last Friday. Please lord, gift us the joy of having a successful outcome and a child only of you. We are putting all our hope into you Lord as we know You have your hands on our story and will make a way.

  • Please prayer for God's hand put on and salvation for C and her family pray . Pray God will open her eyes supernaturally and spiritually. Do a new thing in her heart Lord.

  • I would like prayer for my husband. He has a job that makes him hard.  I pray for God to open and soften his heart toward me and his family.  Pray for protection around him, his heart and this family every day please.  Thank you and Shalom.

  • Praise the Lord Jesus Christ for His powerful healing blessings over our family. Dad starts physical therapy this week, please pray all goes well and he is fully healed and recovered after being struck by the car.

  • Please pray for my Mom who has experienced a lot of anxiety and trauma from witnessing the accident. Please pray all anxiety and troubles of the mind, body and spirit are gone now in Jesus and for complete healing from the UTI. Thank you! God is in control producing miracles.

  • Please keep our Missions Team in prayer this week as they are returning from their mission trips.  Pray for their hearts to be full from the amazing experience they just had.  Pray for their health, pray for the ways they will need to get back to their lives and their routines.  Pray that they are able to share what the Lord put on their hearts with everyone.  Often times it's hard to put into words the amazing things they experienced.  Allow their words to be prompted by the Holy Spirit!  