
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for my friend that his health would improve. Pray that he will be able to get the surgery that he needs for his heart.  Pray that his son will be able to heal from his strokes and that they can figure out why he had them.

  • Please pray that the judge will accept my rehab request. I have court today, pray that it goes well.  Thank you.

  • Please pray for my mom who has extreme dental issues are causing her to lose a lot of weight. She also has a slipped disc in her back and cannot get surgery until her mouth has healed.  Pray that the dental work needed will be successful.

  • Praises!!!! I have asked for favor in getting pregnant and found out the day I submitted the request that I am 4 weeks pregnant!!!  I am currently 9 weeks and feel wonderful!  PRAISE JESUS!!

  • Please pray that my family can find a way to stay in our home that we've been in for the last 7 yrs. We just found out it's being sold and we have to leave by December. We have nowhere to go. Rents too expensive everywhere. I want my daughter to graduate from Capital High School, she only has 2 yrs left. I've never been so terrified in my life I want to trust that God has a plan for our family but I'm having such a hard time. Please pray for our family. Thank you so much.

  • Please pray for the work being done in India through Send Hope Now. We received the following updates and prayer requests:

    • A prayer and praise from Pastor Guna:

      “Recently an 81 yr old man named Moti was referred to CCT because it was discovered during surgery that he has HIV/AIDS and so wasn’t allowed to return to the nursing home where he previously lived.  When he came to CCT, they realized he is blind and partially deaf.  Our volunteers and staff have taken it upon themselves to take turns and care for him.  During a recent meeting with Moti, I was overjoyed to know that he is experiencing the love of Christ through the service provided him through CCT.”

    • We have had several recent opportunities to speak at or connect with local churches this summer. Please pray for this time of connection and for the people hearing about the work in India for the first time.

    • Tickets are now available for our dinner and auction event “Night of Hope” on September 8th. Please pray for the turnout of this event and bless the funding that will go towards providing food for HIV/AIDS women and children in our native communities.
