
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please lift up our son and his wife. They are both believers, having marital strife. Trying to make it work. Praying for tender hearts toward one another, humble attitudes, forgiveness....everything that the enemy attacks! Thank you dear ones.

  • All praises to God as my Dad is healing and it's a miracle he is alive. My Mom is feeling better and God is healing her, too.


  • I'm still struggling with singleness, and it continues to take a toll on my soul. I've prayed to the Lord to help me, but I still feel the same emptiness inside me.

  • I’m currently struggling with going numb in my emotions. As I also struggle with an addiction this is causing my availability to see and deal with triggers/temptation to basically be gone. Pray I can stay in sobriety and that I thaw. 

  • Please pray for my sister that she will come to know the Lord greatly, and she will be comforted during this time of divorce. Please pray for her husband and kids for comfort as well. Please pray that she will find a place to live that is affordable, and find a career that is perfect for her in this time.

  • Please pray for our missionary to Romania, Natalie Bridges who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • We are in Mangalia this week!  We're having a great time, and the Lord has given me some really awesome one-on-one conversation time with the kids where we talked about spiritual things.  However, we seem to be plagued with illness and injuries.  Please pray for healing of all the bumps, cuts and bruises as well as other illnesses (allergic reactions, constipation, dizziness, etc).  Please pray that we will bless those around us and grow closer to the Lord and each other.  Please pray that the leadership team will have wisdom to deal with all the challenges and that we will be able to celebrate Adi's birthday in a special way on Friday.  We don't know what we're doing yet.  Adi is experiencing some pain in his leg, so please pray for him to feel better.  

    • The English Camp outreach is next week!  Please pray for all the details to be taken care of and for God to bring us kids.  Please also pray for the leaders/volunteers as all of us will be finishing up other excursions/camps/outreaches the day before camp starts.  We need the Lord to refresh tired bodies and minds.  Please pray that kids will respond to the gospel and testimonies that will be shared at the camp and for spirit-led conversations and interactions with the kids.


    • Please pray for Adina's son to accept her invitation to come to church on Sunday when the team joins us.  Sergiu is a 26 year old, self-proclaimed atheist. 
