
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for my son who just started his incarceration. Please pray for his protection and to get him through this.

  • Pray for my friend who has stage 4 ovarian cancer. She has had 2 chemo treatments and now starting to feel the results. Please help her endure these treatments and help heal her.

  • Appreciate yours and everyone’s prayers for Dad's left elbow in a lot of pain. Thank you. 

  • Please pray for my friend. She is struggling right now and had become very depressed.  We ask that you pray for her comfort and to feel the love of Jesus.

  • Pray for my landlord and friend. He need to have heart surgery and is having a hard time getting it scheduled and paid for.  His health isn’t the greatest.  We need him around and love him very much!

  • Please pray for our missionary to Vanuatu, Laura Thulesen who sends the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Please pray for wisdom with logistics as I contact companies about shipping some crates to Vanuatu in August.
