
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for my son-in-law who is in need of employment. The job fell thru he had planned on and they had given notice they were moving out of their rental. They have to be out 7/31st. May God open a door for them quickly.
  • Pray for my grandson is 9 and will only eat a few specialized food items. Please, God, relieve this dear child of his fear of food; heal him.
  • Praise the Lord, Jesus Christ that Dad was able to go home today.

    The doctor examined the gallbladder today and believes it is okay. The meds they changed him to for digestion seem to be working the doctor said. They did mention, he has nodules near his thyroid that they want a doctor to see. Please pray that is nothing. So, he has follow up appts. And again, needs rest, a lot of rest right now.

  • Thanks prayer warriors army. I would like to ask prayer for wisdom. I have scans on Monday to see if the tumors have lessened. Then depending on that result, what are the next steps / choices in treatment. I haven't had treatment for the last 2 months because of the diabetes brought on by the treatment. Please pray that my blood sugars will stay in range. Thanks.

  • Please pray for the work being done in India through Send Hope Now. We received the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Praise the Lord for the admission of new children to our Home and for His continued protection and provision.

    • Please pray for the healing of children Muthu, Geetha, Baviya, Buvaneswari, Dhanush Viswa, Yaswan, Manu and Samuel of chickenpox.

    • Please pray for the health of all our children and caretakers.

    • Please pray for the new School started in our campus and for the enrolment of more children.

    • Please pray for God’s wisdom for the children with their studies on their new Academic year.

    • Please pray for the provision of a new computer and grinder for our Home.

    • Please pray for His guidance for Sisters Meribeni Tsanglao, Bhagyamma, Esther Rani, Gunasundari, Joyce Thangakani, Jyothi, Mariya, Nethra, Rose Meri, Roseline, Sangeetha, Sheela, and Sangeetha N.
