
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for my healing and restoration.

  • Please pray for my Dad who was hit by a police car as he was walking with my Mom across the parking lot tonight in McDonald's parking lot in Liberty. Hit his head pretty hard. Has staples in his head and stitches in his elbow. In Liberty Hospital tonight. They said he will be okay. I praise God as this in itself is a miracle.

  • I need prayer for healing for my back, left foot, mouth sores, digestive issues, & that I would not continue to lose weight. Thank you church family for praying for me as I know that there is much power in combined prayer. I also know that God is a miracle working God and that nothing is impossible with Him. 
  • Please pray that Christa, John K and Mary will have communication with one another soon. Pray God's will and that he will open this door.  Soften hearts Lord. Thank you all for praying.

  • Please pray for the salvation and baptism in Jesus Name for G.R., K.O., H.T., P.S. & P.C.

  • Please pray for our missionary to Romania, Brian & Cynthia Fouts who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Last week’s conference was amazing. So good, I will attach pictures, really felt the Lord's presence in every way while we were there. I sent you a video update.

    • We are preparing for our English camp in the next couple of weeks. Prayer for the team that coming to help. Praying for gospel opportunities with the kids that are coming, safety, etc.

    • Prayer as some of our family is sick picked up a nasty cold bug while at the conference. Praying for a quick recovery.
