
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for my friend to live happy with her children and that she would come to know God.

  • Praying for Sara to find a perfect new job and for her to come to God.

  • My great grandson is headed into surgery to have his intestines untangled and his appendix removed. He also has pyloric stenosis which they can also fix. He is only about three months old.

  • Pray for my wife Linda. She is having a procedure at the hospital on 7/18. Pray for all to be in God’s hand.

  • Praises!!! The sweet baby that so many prayed for was born healthy and strong on Thursday at 1:01 am!!!  Momma and baby are doing well and proud Daddy is ecstatic and so grateful for their blessing!  Praising our Jehovah Jireh! 

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Romania, Chris and Faith Anderson who sent the following updates and requests:

    • Our team arrives this Thursday July 13th. They will be helping us with street evangelism and a VBS at the church. We are praying for 40 kids. 

    • Natalie and her kids arrive July 17th from Bistrita. Please pray for safe travels for them and for their time here. 

    • We will then prepare to fly to America July 27th for sabbatical and take Chloe to Asbury University. We are praying about flying Chloe's horse to university with her. This of course costs a lot, and we are probably crazy for even trying, but the horse will train with her and Chloe would be able to do all her studies using Firefighter, and they would learn together. The monthly payment for him to be there is the same we pay to board him here, so that is not a problem, just getting him there is very expensive. Anyway, we will pray, and try if God opens the door we'll take it, if God chooses not to open that door then we will go from there. 

    • Chris has just a little more paperwork to sign for the cafe, other than that we have finished everything and it is officially closed. Thank you for your prayers during that process our emotions were sort of all over the place. 

    • Thank you for your prayers, and encouragement. It is such a blessing to have you partner with us in such a way. 
