
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Prayers for my son to be moved to a different prison.

  • Prayer to help find someone to come in on a weekend and provide caregiving.

  • Prayers for healing for 2 of my friends after their surgeries last week.

  • I pray for my brother to recover completely from a bladder infection.


  • Pray for me to be able to talk to my granddaughters soon.

  • Update to the woman who was in a motorcycle accident: Unfortunately she passed away due to her injuries.  Please pray for her friends and family and for the young man involved with the accident.  Thankful for the woman on scene who was able to call 911 and pray for this woman.  Praying for her heart to have peace.

  • Please pray for the work being done in India through Send Hope Now. We received the following updates and prayer requests from the Stateside offices:

    • We have had several recent opportunities to speak at or connect with local churches this summer. Please pray for this time of connection and for the people hearing about the work in India for the first time.

    • Tickets are now available for our dinner and auction event “Night of Hope” on September 8th. Please pray for the turnout of this event and bless the funding that will go towards providing food for HIV/AIDS women and children in our native communities.
