
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Pray for me as I have some cardiac tests coming up.

  • Pray for our son as he goes on deployment with the Navy. Pray for a safe and successful mission.

  • Please pray that the Lord would provide a place for Tammy to live here in Boise. She was involved with a physically violent attack by her roommate and she needs to find a safe place to live.  Pray that someone would have a room to rent to her as soon as possible.

  • Please pray for finances. It’s getting really hard and raising my son alone. I am considered low income but don’t qualify for any state assistance. So many big financially things are due in the next couple of weeks/months and I pray for God provision

  • Pray for Paul to be healed from pancreatic cancer.

  • Please pray for the work being done in India through Send Hope Now. We received the following updates and prayer requests from the Stateside office:

    • Prayer: Pastor Henry plans to come here for a couple weeks in September.  The next opening to apply for a visa is July 16th, so please pray that the door will be open for him to get the needed visa to travel here. 

    • Praise and prayer!  The final portion of the Odisha land has been purchased.  Construction will begin with a security/property wall and installing electricity in order to begin building a children’s home, church, and Bible school.
