
Daily Prayer Requests

  • My son and I travel on Wednesday-Sunday. Please pray for travel mercies, help him to be good during the trip and to enjoy the family time we have with family we haven’t seen in years. May we show them Jesus.

  • Pray for Mason as he starts incarceration. Please restore his faith in the lord. Give him the proper counseling and training as he needs it.

  • Please pray that God would take away my pain this week and make me comfortable.

  • Please pray for Hayden to seek God and to repent and be saved.

  • Pray for Danielle to have a healthy pregnancy.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Italy, Brent and Hope Harrell who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Pray for our upcoming summer outreach with the team from Boise. Please pray for creativity and wisdom as we work to plan the English camp. Pray that kids would be interested in coming and that it would be a fruitful opportunity to speak into the hearts of the young kids from our area. Pray for the 4th of July BBQ as well to be an opportunity to share the gospel with our neighborhood. Pray for hearts to be open to receiving Christ.

    • Pray for our car that is in need of repairing.

    • Pray for a situation with a family that needs to be worked out. Pray for humility, grace, love, and for the Spirit to bring fresh life and blessing to them and to our church. 

    • Continue to pray for Carolina's refugee living situation to improve. She is having health issues from allergies that have been triggered where they have placed her and is trying to get transferred to a place closer to Rome. Pray for the Lord to be protecting her health and for the doors to open to a better living situation. 

    • Pray for Fabio and Romina to be renewed in their passion for Christ and for their daughter Marta to turn back to the Lord. Pray for their other daughter Diana to be growing closer to the Lord and for her protection from the snares of the world and the enemy.
