
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for a young man who suffered a concussion while travelling last week.

  • Pray for my mom. Her health is fading and it’s hard for her to accept her limitations.

  • Thank you for praying for my family. I am asking for more prayer because we are struggling.  We cannot seem to get along and it is so stressful.

  • My best friend was in a car accident. Pray for healing and for provision.

  • Pray for my marriage. My husband has been repeatedly unfaithful.  I want to forgive me and know that I should but I am having a hard time.  Pray that the Lord would soften his heart and would accept what is happening.

  • Please pray for the work being done in India through Send Hope Now. We received the following updates and prayer requests:

    • We are planning on a September visit here with Brother Henry, Guna’s son who has taken over much of the responsibility of SHN. He applied for a visa early this year, but the Indian government is so backed up with requests his was thrown out.  He reapplied this month and we are in prayer that it will be processed and approved.  Thank you!
