
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Pray for Christa and her family for salvation and giving their lives and hearts to Jesus. Pray God soften John K heart and teach and show him how to be brave enough to come forward asking forgiveness. Thank you.

  • Please continue to pray for my son and his family.

  • Praises and prayers for Boise Rescue Mission.

  • Prayer my stress level. My job has been stressful and toxic for sometime and other job opportunities haven’t come through. I am doing God’s will, but the stress is affecting my life and family. Praying for a changing in my circumstance or a understanding of God’s plan

  • Please pray for my significant other, Matt. He was diagnosed with a seizure disorder in his early 20s and went years without a seizure. In the past few months he has started having them again. It’s difficult on him physically and mentally. And difficult for me to see him hurting.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Germany, Clark and Ann Peddicord who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Would you please pray for us and the “Philosophia” Team to be guided by God’s Holy Spirit? 

    • Please pray that we understand clearly GOD’S perfect path for the future and every forward step we take is in harmony with His will. There are so many possibilities and the world is in desperate need of the “old fashioned” Gospel of Jesus carried by a “new kind” of Holy-Spirit-filled Christians.

    • A Window is open - but may be closing  Haus Nazareth is virtually self-sustaining.  Everyone pays rent (including us!) and the mortgage, the bills and taxes and upkeep costs are paid from this income.  This year, “Haus Nazareth” is making a major investment in the future by upgrading the internet connection in the Haus.  However, as we look toward the future with more active exchanges between the Haus and young leaders from the U.S.A. and other nations, we need some specific financial help to begin setting up space in the Haus for the training programs. 
