
Daily Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for friends who lost their 3-month-old baby girl last week. Pray for their sweet baby girl in heaven, their hearts as they process their loss, and support as they learn to walk forward in the wake of this tragedy.  Pray for healing over her body after complications and the c-section she had. 

  • I was kicked out of college and I don’t know what to do. I am incredibly discouraged.  I know that the Lord works all things out for good, but this doesn’t feel good.  Also, seeing someone in a romantic sense and things are hard.  He is very guarded and is pushing me away.  I need prayer for direction or answers.

  • Prayer for a 94 year old woman. She needs to recover and be healthy enough to move around family. 

  • Continued prayers for my son in prison. Pray for his safety and that he is moved soon.

  • Pray for continued changes to my granddaughters heart.

  • Please pray for our missionaries to Italy, Brent and Hope Harrell who sent the following updates and prayer requests:

    • Pray for grace for Micky as he prepares to present his final thesis before his professors. This is his very last step to finishing his university studies!

    • Continue to pray for Carolina's refugee living situation to improve. She is having health issues from allergies that have been triggered where they have placed her and is trying to get transferred to a place closer to Rome. Pray for the Lord to be protecting her health and for the doors to open to a better living situation. 

    • Pray for Fabio and Romina to be renewed in their passion for Christ and for their daughter Marta to turn back to the Lord. Pray for their other daughter Diana to be growing closer to the Lord and for her protection from the snares of the world and the enemy.

